7 Şubat 2025, 21:49
Mehmet Akif

5. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı 23. Sayfa Cevapları MEB Yayınları

5. Sınıf İngilizce Ders Kitabı Cevapları MEB Yayınları Sayfa 23

Read Aki’s blog post, choose the best title, and write.

My hometown is Magome in Japan. It is between Tokyo and Kyoto. It is a very nice town. A lot of tourists visit Magome.
So, it has got many shops, hotels, and restaurants. You can eat Japanese dishes in the restaurants. You can buy gifts for your friends and family. The buildings are very old in Magome. They look fantastic. You can take great photos. Some houses are family museums. You can visit them and learn Japanese life styles. There are two bus statlons and a train station in Magome.
You can take the train or the bus to visit
Magome, and there is a public library near the train station. You can find books about Japanese history. That’s all about my hometown. How about your hometown? Post comments.

Read Aki’s post again, check your understanding, and write TRUE or FALSE.

1. Magome is between Tokyo and Kyoto. …
2.There are Japanese dishes in the restaurants. …
3.The buildings are new and modern in Magome. …
4.The museums are about Japanese life styles in Magome. …
5.There are two train stations in Magome. …
6.The library is near the bus station. …
7.There are books about Japanese history in the library….


5. sınıf ingilizce ders kitabı cevapları sayfa 23 meb yayınları

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