22 Ekim 2022, 14:43
Mehmet Akif

9. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 57. Sayfa Cevapları MEB Yayınları

9. Sınıf MEB Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 57 aşağıdaki yayımdadır. Cevaplar kırmızı renkli yazılar ile yazılmıştır. Diğer konulara da göz atmanızı öneririz.

Label the photos with the health problems in the box.

9. sınıf ing 57

Fill in the blanks with the health problems in exercise 1.
1. Nick has __a cough_ . It’s so loud that nobody can listen to the teacher.
2. Emma has _a rash on her arm. It’s very itchy.
3. I think I have a _sprained wrist . It hurts a lot while I am writing.
4. My husband needs to go to the dentist immediately. He has _a toothache_ . It is getting worse.
5. If he has _a backache , he shouldn’t carry anything heavy.
6. My little daughter is sneezing and coughing a lot. I think she has _the flu_ .

Choose the right option.
1. A nutritionist is a person ________ .
a) who cooks healthy food

b) who gives advice on what you should eat
2. A dermatologist treats ________ .
a) skin problems

b) dental problems
3. A prescription is a piece of paper which ________ .
a) a pharmacist gives to patients

b) a doctor writes medicine on
4. To consult means ________ .
a) getting advice from a specialist

b) asking questions to a colleague
5. To heal means ________ .
a) seeing the doctor again

b) becoming well again after an illness
6. ‘Something is killing me!’ means ________ .
a) you feel uncomfortable with something

b) you feel happy with somethin

Bir önceki yazımız olan veya sonraki başlıklı makalemizi de okumanızı öneririz.

22.10.2022, 14:43

Mesaj Sayısı:
Konu Sayısı: 2637

Tüm sınıf arkadaşlarım ödev için burayı söyledi cidden süper cevaplar herşeyi yazmışsınız bravo valla 🙂

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