22 Ekim 2022, 15:57
Mehmet Akif

9. Sınıf İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı 74. Sayfa Cevapları MEB Yayınları

9. Sınıf MEB Yayınları İngilizce Çalışma Kitabı Cevapları Sayfa 74 aşağıdaki yayımdadır. Cevaplar kırmızı renkli yazılar ile yazılmıştır. Diğer konulara da göz atmanızı öneririz.

Complete the sentences with the correct type of TV programmes below.

1. Last night I watched the first episode of the new __TV series_. The story was quite interesting.
2. It’s a fantastic _quiz show. If you answer 10 questions correctly, you’ll be a millionaire.
3. The best way of learning “what’s happening in the world” is to watch the _news or read a paper.
4. Turn the TV on, please. My favourite _chat show is about to start. Today Larissa is hosting Tom Hanks.
5. Sometimes I watch a _documentary about wildlife under the sea to feel relaxed.
6. I have written down several recipes from the cooking programme_ on Channel 4. I will try them this weekend.
7. Are you watching a _cartoon_? Aren’t you a little old for talking rabbits and flying horses?

Complete the paragraph with the words in the box.

a computer instead. We will just tell the computer what type of programmes we like (such as documentaries, TV series, reality shows, etc.) and it will _connect to another computer on the other side of the world. It will search for those programmes and then give us a _menu to choose from. Most probably, mouse will replace with _remote control. We won’t zap the _channels_ to find our favourite programme.

Fill in the blanks with the phrases below.

1. A: Could you switch the channel to my favourite travel programme?
B: Oh, honey. You’re just an _armchair_. You are always watching the travel programmes over and over again.
2. A: Aren’t you _fed up with_ watching ads on TV?
B: I love the slogans in them.
3. A: Have you started your digital diet yet?
B: Yes, I have. It is just __a place of cake_ for me.
4. A: How long will you stay in Beijing?
B: Two months. I know it’s too long.
A: Don’t worry, we can _keep in touch_ on Skype.

Bir önceki yazımız olan veya sonraki başlıklı makalemizi de okumanızı öneririz.

22.10.2022, 15:57

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